All Clean!

All Clean!
Home From The Groomer

Monday, November 12, 2018

Early Christmas

Poop bags come in a huge variety of  sizes, shapes, weights of plastic and colors. The bigger and heavier weight ones are less apt to be parties to unpleasant direct physical encounters with poop. Bright colors, while not appealing practically speaking, are nonetheless appealing to me aesthetically. I tend to buy packages with a variety of bright colors, and I take pains to rotate the colors as I use them Why? Well, let's just say that spending two hours following a dog around and picking up poop is largely uninteresting, and anything I can do to spice it up, I do. 

This morning, I was carrying a bright yellow bag, looking for a place to deposit it. After about ten minutes, we were finally approaching a dumpster. It was the kind with the sliding door on the side, AND the door was open. As soon as we were close enough, I flung it in. Coming closer, I could see inside. My bright yellow ball of poop was hanging in the branches of a discarded artificial Christmas tree. Now there's an idea I bet nobody has thought of yet for Christmas decor!