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Home From The Groomer

Saturday, September 15, 2018

An Unintended Act Of Kindness

Wow, it has been a long time since I've written anything for any of my four blogs. Possessing a mindset similar to Mister Ed's, however, I rarely write unless I have something to say.

Every now and then, my girl invents a new addition to our standard menu of walking activities. Her most recent started around two weeks ago. On our way to the railroad tracks west of home, fully anticipating crossing those tracks and touring the River Plantation condominium community, we halted abruptly in the grassy stretch between Bellevue Road and the tracks. Her nose was in the grass, her tail was wagging furiously, and she began pulling me around and around this way and that. I watched intently, and finally saw the object of her search. A small, mouse-sized grey something skittered away from her and disappeared into another clump of grass. Her face was up to her ears in grass, so she didn't see it. We kept on, around and around, this way and that. Several more tiny grey somethings appeared and disappeared. This went on for about twenty minutes before I had had enough. I dragged her away, and we went home.

The following week we were back there on several afternoons. The search expanded to other sections of grass, always along the tracks. Little grey things skittered, she still hasn't caught one. One evening this past week while we were dancing in the grass, a little grey thing broke cover and ran across a bare patch of ground. In a flash there was a red tailed hawk diving down from the nearby trees. It hit the ground for a brief moment, then flew back up to its perch with a little grey something in its beak. Before we were done, it dove down twice more, but I couldn't see anything in its grasp.

So Grace hasn't been able to catch those little devils, but she provided a nice little snack for another hunter. And she doesn't even know that she did.