We're hoping that the blistering hot weather is behind us now for this year. Carmen likes to go walking with us when the weather is cool enough. Yesterday, our 30th anniversary, was just such a morning. After our coffee and exchange of hugs and memories, we determined that we would go to Edwin Warner dog park. Carmen still had to get ready, and Grace was getting anxious, so we decided that I would walk her to the entrance of our subdivision, and Carmen would drive down and meet us there.
We suited up and set out. I half expected to have to fight with Grace about turning left toward the entrance because she usually wants to go right toward wilder environs. My half-expectation was half right. She didn't want to go left. She didn't want to go right. She didn't want to go forward. She turned around and sat down, watching the door. For about five minutes she sat there. Then, in a totally unprecedented move, she went to the door and asked to go in. We entered, and Grace led me through the house until she found Carmen. She barked her "snap it up" bark, then led me back outside where she sat down and waited, perfectly calm, until Carmen came out to join us.
There are those who argue that dogs can't reason. They should try walking with Grace.